Check out our blog for insights, news, cool & helpful tools and our thoughts on #NewWork

OKR & Scrum: Contradiction or the perfect team?
Today’s blog post is an extract from a meetup organized by the Agilizer® Network and shows how OKR and Scrum can work jointly. The Agilizer®

Living Strategy
How can we synchronize our work with different departments in the company? How can we set a common goal? How can we make goal-setting more

The Maverick Principle
The outsider or other thinker is often referred to as a maverick. He / she thinks differently and is independent in thought and action and thus does

Looking back on a successful and instructive year
This year has taught us a lot and we have gained a lot of experience. Our concepts for #remote and hybrid teams in the agile

Experience in an agile transformation
There are new insights on our New Work Solutions YouTube Channel:In the “Agile Voices” section, we let practitioners speak. They report on their experiences from

Race Yourself – a wake-up call to think pro-active!
How can we gain a foothold in the VUCA world during this time of uncertainty and develop a feeling of freedom of choice? There is

What is a remote team? An attempt for a definition When accompanying organizational changes and coaching teams, we often noticed that there is no clarity

We found NEMO!
WE FOUND NEMO! NEMO is here! NEMO stands for “Not Enough! More Of…” You may be aware of the situation that in a meeting, e.g.

Training remotely – how does that work?
The lockdown offers opportunities to explore new ways. Home office and virtual work get a new place in our life. Last but not least, our