Training remotely – how does that work?

The lockdown offers opportunities to explore new ways. Home office and virtual work get a new place in our life. Last but not least, our participation in remote-scrum in the past few weeks has shown us how important “remote” has become and what new challenges we are facing.

Clearly, we have one thing to do: We are now doing “remote”!

We are expanding our agile training offer and are also expanding the virtual SAFe® training courses with our partner 2Corn2Corn is a registered “Scaled Agile Silver Partner”.

Just have a look at the Agilizer Academy.

Stay healthy!


Questions, comments or suggestions? We will be happy to get in contact. You can reach us via emailTwitter (@yourAgilizer)Facebook,linkedInSlackor directly via our homepage.

#SAFe #2corn #remote #newwork #agilizer #agilizeracademy #remotescrum

©Bilder/©pictures: Nick Morrison on, 2Corn, ScaledAgile, New Work Solutions

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