NEMO is here!

NEMO stands for “Not Enough! More Of…”
You may be aware of the situation that in a meeting, e.g. in a sprint-planning or a retro, simply not enough content was explained and misunderstandings can subsequently arise due to missing information. That is why we created the NEMO-card.
Inspired by our ELMO card, we have now designed the NEMO card!
These cards help to give a friendly heads-up sign, to report more and not to put the topic down. Using the cards improves your meetings and easily shows the need for more information. They are an excellent tool for on-site and online meetings.
We are interested in your experience when the cards are used. Please let us know!
If you have any questions, suggestions or simple feedback, please contact us via E-Mail, Twitter (@yourAgilizer), Facebook, linkedIn or Slack. Further details on our Homepage.
©picture Agilizer